Wednesday, November 28, 2007

busy bee's

It's been so long since my last entry, but I guess there hasn't been much to fill everyone in on. Sickness is gone (thank goodness!) dizziness still comes and goes, but is now more associated with being dehydrated, so it can be prevented. Drinking water IS important I guess :) Feeling LOTS of little thumps the last few days. Even the occasional flip. Strange, but so exciting. Austyn hasn't been able to catch any kicks yet, but Wes has. Usually it starts in around 8 and lasts until I fall asleep... hopefully not a sign we are going to have a little night owl on our hands :)
Anyway, wanted to drop a quick line just so everyone knows I haven't forgotten about them. Check back tomorrow for a much more detailed update after my sonogram!! Ausytn is so excited for the sonogram tomorrow and can't wait to find out if we are having a dinosaur, lizard, alien or boy (or maybe a girl? :) )Her vote is on alien, just ask her! Woo hoo!

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